Mumbles 0.3 Is Out!
Our first release (version 0.3) has hit.
Find it at the usual places [download] [svn] and drop by our SourceForge page.
Our first release (version 0.3) has hit.
Find it at the usual places [download] [svn] and drop by our SourceForge page.
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Love this, been waiting for something like this for awhile.
My wishlist to santa :
* Configurable fonts for text and header in the message box.
* There’s some weird graphic bug in the message popup for me, 1px bottom and right.
* Being able to send a test message from the tray icon.
* Better text wrapping.
Uhm right now that’s about it, thanks for the time and effort.
Thanks for the feedback and I’m glad you like it.
I do have a (growing) list of things I need to address, most of which are in your wishlist. I’m also planning on putting up a wiki where discussion like this can go on.
I hadn’t thought of sending a message from the tray icon (there is an included script called that will do this from the command line) - but from the gui is a great idea - I will be sure to include that.
Look for another release in the near future where I hope to address the other issues. Thanks again.
I love this app. I hope you can make it easier to automatically start when you turn the computer on.
Syphon - glad to hear it, thanks. I have mumbles starting automatically for me in Ubuntu by going to:
(In other distros, just look for start up preferences)
And adding a new Startup Program with the command:
(or wherever you unzipped the download).
The included mumbles script is just included to provide an easy launcher, which just runs in the src dir.
This is confusing and awkward right now, but will hopefully get better in future releases.
Thanks, that did the trick ^_^
I’m looking forward to the next release. Got any ETA on it?
To make things a bit more convenient for myself, I unzipped everything in my home directory and ran setup, but then edited the mumbles “launcher” file to include the full path to, and then created a symbolic link to /usr/local/bin , so just running “mumbles” will launch the program for me. Also, I’m using the mailboxalert plug in for thunderbird, which allows you to execute a command when new mail is received, so I also made a symbolic link for mumbles send, and have it execute that along with %sendername and %subject to give me email alerts using mumble. Anyways, I love it, and keep up the good work!
Hey, can you make this compatible with Pidgin? Or show me how to edit the current build to support Pidgin?