Twitter Screenlet
I took the twittercheck script from my last post a bit further and created a Twitter Screenlet.
The mumbles plugin here will work with the screenlet (it will continue to work with the simple twittercheck script there as well).
Let me know what you think.
Note: mumbles users will most likely want to turn off “use libnotify” in the screentlet preferences. This is my opinion of how applications should use libnotify/dbus. Provide the users with a default libnotify notification, but also, the option to turn it off while continuing to send DBus notifications that other apps can pick up. Here’s to hoping this practice catches on!
I’ve tried your .deb on ubuntu hardy. Works nicely.
If you’re looking for user-feedback, here’s mine:
Have an option to hide the icon. Please Please.
Also, you may want to follow GNOME-Do’s path and have a built-in plugin add/remove repository. That would improve this project greatly in my eyes.
BTW, your last post seems to be in march, ages ago, is mumbles an active project?